Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Desire Creates the Power to Succeed

Is it a coincidence that I start this blog on Independence day? No. In 2007, I declared my independence from the voices in my head that were telling me that this was a crazy idea. I was literally drawn to a website that has changed my life. That website was, run by James Alburger and Penny Abshire. I knew that I always wanted to pursue my passion of voiceover work, but never thought I could. That was until I attended a class in San Diego, taught by Jim and Penny, that not only allowed me to realize I COULD do this, but it also allowed me to meet some wonderful people that have changed my life.

Desire is a very strong emotion. It creates the power from within that allows you to acknowledge your dreams and have the courage to chase them. I had that desire long before I flew to San Diego in 2007, but it was that spark of power from within that allowed me to be able to say, "at least I tried."

Since 2007, I have attended many more classes, was fortunate to travel to LA for the Incredible Voice 2008 conference, made friends with some of the most talented people in this business, built my own home studio, spent hours in that studio..practicing this craft, built a website (with the help of Village Green Studios), and now am embarking on the latest piece of the shameless, self-marketing puzzle, the Blog.

That leaves the #1 piece still uncompleted: The Demo. In the next few weeks, my demo will be produced with Jim and Penny's guidance and expertise. I can't wait. I am excited because even without a demo to date, I've already had the opportunity to voice numerous commercials for a local radio station, produce a daily sports calendar, written copy for numerous local advertisers, voiced documentaries for hospital and church videos, provided the PA for High School and College Sports, and been asked to emcee a number of local charity events.

The desire burns strong. It creates the power. The power creates the opportunity. It's what you do when given the opportunity that shows your true character. I thank you for showing the interest in reading this far along and hope you will continue to join me for what I guarantee will be a fun and rewarding ride.

-Derek Chappell
The Voice of Your Business


  1. Derek,

    You are such a wonderful example of positive thinking AND actions! I have been priviledged to accompany you on part of this journey.

    It is so gratifying to know that our classes have helped you to realize this dream! And that VOICE 2008 was such a great experience for you!

    It's only just beginning! Here's to a very bright future, dear friend!

    Happy 4th!



  2. I am proud of you, Derek, and I wish you the best of luck! Denise T.

  3. Derek. This is a great journey we are all on. Thank you for being an example of persistence and perseverance. I hope all of us in AVOA 2007 Crew are persevering and making the progress that you and David Sigmon, Debra Cole. Harvey Halinka, Jeff Thetford, are doing. Keep on Keepin on.

    Daniel Wallace

  4. Hi Derek

    I added you to the blog roll.

    Enjoy the ride.

    Best always,
    - Peter
