Monday, October 4, 2010

Social Media and Audio Married - Audioboo

You never know where your next client may come from. Better yet, you never know just how that client may have found you. That is why you brand, market, sell, and get yourself 'out there', to be heard and hired. That being said, I came across a blog article a few weeks ago, written by my friend and fellow VO artist (and social media guru) Dave Courvoisier, about a program that 'married the best of social media with audio', called Audioboo. Sounds perfect for a voice actor, huh? Dave's explanation of Audioboo is as simple as the program itself:

Record audio, match it with a picture, a place, some words…upload, post, cross-post to other social media platforms. Share, podcast, follow, comment, get followers. The program is pretty intuitive and it does a lot. You really need to visit and watch the video where they introduce its features.

I figured I'd give Audioboo a try as one more way to get my voice 'out there'. Right away I came across a practical use in my VO business. I produce a daily sports calendar for a small, local radio station. Their budget isn't huge, so their website isn't fully equipped to handle a lot of audio. So, I linked the daily sports calendar from their website to my Audioboo page. Now, when someone clicks to listen to the sports calendar, they are taken to my Audioboo page, where they can also listen to other audio of mine that I've posted on the page, such as my demo's and recent work I've completed. You never know who just might click and may be my next client.

Derek Chappell

The Voice of Your Business


  1. Thanks for the cred, big guy! 'Glad you found a good use for it!

    Dave Courvoisier

  2. I really found your blog interesting. Thanks for sharing the post.
